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The Scrapbook

Capturing the future of photography, tech, and sharing memories

Cute Creative Craft Ideas Made Easy with Lifeprint

Cute Creative Craft Ideas Made Easy with Lifeprint

Easy Craft Ideas with Lifeprint

You may already know that Lifeprint is an amazing addition to your scrapbooking albums. Just imagine: Hyperphotos that display a video of your favorite memories, just like magic, when you hover over them with your smartphone!

Encaustic photographs

Let’s start with the basics: what’s an encaustic photograph? It’s the process of applying hot beeswax, either natural or pigmented, over a photograph. The semi-translucent layer can give the photo a dreamy, intriguing quality. You can use the wax to secure your photos to a board or other surface. Add bits of seashells, pine cones, or other items that remind you of the settings where the photos were taken for a creative memento of vacations, celebrations, and more.

A holiday tree-full of memories

It’s easy to create homemade ornaments each year until your entire tree is one giant memory! All you need is a pair of scissors, a photo-safe glue stick, and a thin piece of backing board. After applying your desired photo to the backing board, cut it in the shape of a festive star or heart. As you and your kids decorate the tree, you can reminisce about past holidays, birthdays, or other special moments.


Wedding albums

A customized wedding album filled with photos that magically come to life is the perfect way to showcase your special day. Glue pearls, glitter, and ribbons on each page to match your wedding colors. You can also add photos of your family on each anniversary, as you love grows with every passing year.


With Lifeprint, the term "dear diary" takes on an entirely different meaning. Yours can be a virtual photo journal complete with your favorite thoughts of the day, inspirational reflections, or moment-to-moment emotions. Photos that come alive capture the vivid scene in full color for a creative keepsake of your unique journey.

Coffee table creativity

If your coffee table has a glass layer, it is fun to scatter your photo memories beneath it. For non-glass coffee tables, you can also purchase a sheet of Plexiglas and hot glue it over your favorite Lifeprint photos.

DIY holiday calendar

Give the gift of a calendar that stands the test of time. A perpetual calendar displays only the numbers of the months, so it can be used every year. Use magnetic paint on the calendar, and hot glue favorite photos to magnets. This delivers a rotating show of precious memories and special moments, all year long.

Key chains

Make your own photo keychain and customize it with your favorite Lifeprint image. You can have your hardware store cut plexiglass to the appropriate size. Drill a hole into the top that to hold a chain, then glue your photo to the plexiglass and decorate the edges with plastic trim or cloth.

Candle art

Customize candles to give or keep – it’s easy! Place a photo inside a clear candle holder and secure it with a thin piece of transparent laminate. Once the photo is in place, add the wick and slowly pour in melted wax in your favorite scent. Allow to cool, and your memory candle is complete.

Heart collage

Cut out cardboard or backing board in the shape of a large heart, then glue your favorite Lifeprint photos into place for a collage of augmented reality images that come to life with treasured memories. Decorate the border of the heart with meaningful items like ticket stubs and mementos for an extra-special touch.

Chocolate box

Make their favorite candy even sweeter by gluing photos of special memories to the lid of a chocolate box. They can relive happy moments while they enjoy a delicious treat. This memory keepsake is perfect for Valentine’s Day, Mother's Day, or Father's Day.

Driftwood photo frame

Using a piece of driftwood, cut a 2" x 3" opening with a jigsaw to create an atmospheric photo frame. For a multi-photo frame, stencil openings onto the wood and cut them out. Make sure photo(s) are visible. Glue your photo(s) into place on the opposite side of the driftwood and secure them with a piece of corrugated photo backing. To display, hot glue the backing to a triangular stand, then enjoy your tasteful photo frame on an end table or bookshelf.

Growth chart ruler

Kids grow so fast. Capture these moments in a custom growth chart ruler where you mark your child’s height and add photos for every age and stage. Keep it up every year, and once they’re all grown up, you’ll have an adorable growth chart ruler that comes to life with the wave of your Lifeprint app.


 Did you know that Lifeprint can transform your other crafts, too? With integrated video, any memory you have on your phone can be transformed into a multi-media display of creative wizardry.

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